Mr Halsey Feedback:
> Question/title already looks like a critical investigation- excellent. Clear, confident introduction.
>Is comic book action not a genre in itself?
>Genre points weaker- lack of rehearsal?
>Moves on to key question quickly - good structure.
>Could have more depth- looking at costume and make up, as well as the plot
>Audience explained but not analysed- what does largely male audience mean in terms of representations?
>good to see costume mentioned later
>what about the representation of men in these films? do we need to narrow the question down?
> Is all the target audience correct? wouldn't all blockbusters have a pretty major female audience?
> Some great points but overall a lack of structure and rehearsal is evident in the second half.
> Good attempt to use media theory- but would like to see more media debates
> Q+A picks up on the female audience- Good
> Q+A allows knowledge + passion to come through - good to see.
> I managed to be confident and not read off the board
> I covered a lot of aspects of media forms and representation
> I went over audience in the presentation and Q+A
> I was able to incorporate some media theory in the presentation
> I went straight to answering the question
> if i had addressed the male gender stereotypes
> I needed to go more in-depth in to the audiences
> Improved and rehearsed my points on genre
> Needed to be more structured
> a bit more rehearsal
In order to turn this in to a critical investigation i need to narrow down the question and focus on one product and use other products from the same institution as examples to strengthen the investigation.